Wednesday, July 9, 2008

huzzah, D&D for all!

Hey guys,

So everything worked out and I have a new job come Aug. 15th! Yaaaaaaaay! Thanks for not getting too pissed that I had to bail.

So we're starting in Deepingdale, which is a heavily wooded area of the southern part of the Dalelands. It's capital is Highmoon, boasting the largest population of Deepingdale at ~5200. Tolerance and good-naturedness is the rule of Highmoon and the rest of Deepingdale, especially to adventurers - as the questing heroes are usually the ones who resolve the earth-shattering crises in the region. Deepingdale in general is known for its especially good relationships with the elves in the area.

To the east is Archendale, a trade-based dale and one of the most "modern". It focuses on military strength and economic power, and in times of need a large portion of militia come from this area.

To the southeast is Sembia, a very political and rich merchant-controlled nation where the clink of coin rules over all... think the Italian city states of the early Renaissance. While they're not necessarily "evil" like the Zhentarium (an evil Cyric-worshipping nation to the north of the Dalelands), Sembia can still be considered an antagonistic force - they don't have the Dales best interests at heart. In fact, Sembia's captial city, Ordulin, was actually a Dale city called Moondale a few centuries ago... but due to economic and trade dependence and political manuevering, Moondale was annexed by Sembia in a peaceful takeover. This still serves as a warning and a caution to the other Dales to be careful of their southern neighbour.

To the west, past the Thunder Pass road through the natural border of the Thunder Peaks, lies nation of Cormyr. This nation is generally a good aligned heavily-wooded region with chivalric Purple Dragon knights, royal War Wizards, and classic fantasy tropes. It's ruled via monarchy and is heavily governed by law (for example, all weapons must have restraints called "peace-strings" in urban cities, and all adventuring requires an offical adventuring license). For a historical analog, think feudal France in the late Middle Ages.

(Click to expand, Deepingdale is directly under the 1st red 'D' of 'The Dalelands'.)

So the first session will be chargen, some background fluff, some talk about your characters backgrounds, and some pre-genned combat encounters to get your feet wet... just to warn, you will be railroaded for the combat in this session, just so I can get you into the game in a predestined starting place... but once we get that out of the way this first session, I try to run as "sandbox" of a game as possible within reason, and let you go where you want... so be ready (come 2nd session) to have motivations and actually talk out what you want to do, where you want to go, etc. And no, you won't be starting in a tavern. ;)

Anyway, next blog I'll outline the common pantheon for Forgotten Realms, and those among you that have a feeling your PC will be religiously inclined (clerics, paladins, or just a lay worshipper) can take a look at what's out there - if you don't already know about FR's gods.

1 comment:

mrmagoojesse said...

You're DMing skills makes me hard